The skin is the largest organ of the body and the only organ that is exposed to outside environment. The function of the skin is to protect the inner structures of the body from any harmful invaders like germs and other allergens. However, at times, the skin itself gets infected. This happens mostly due to bacteria and virus. When the skin gets infected by bacteria then it is termed as a bacterial infection.
The symptoms of Bacterial Infection vary from mild to potentially serious. While mild Bacterial Infection can be treated with over the counter antibacterial and home remedies, the more serious infections requires physician consultation. Bacterial skin infections begin with eruptions of small red lesions which gradually grow in size. Cellulitis, impetigo, and boils are some of the most common bacterial infections.
Dr. Rajeshwari’s Clinic provides the best consultation and treatment plan, and has successfully treated many patients with treatments as mentioned above with minimal to no side effects.
A Bacterial Infection occurs when harmful bacteria from the environment enters the body from cuts, bruises, and scrapes which break the surface of the skin. However, it is not necessary that a Bacterial Infection will develop with every cut or bruise an individual sustains. The risk of an infection increases in people who have a weakened or compromised immune system like the elderly or are recuperating from a chronic illness.
A Bacterial Infection will in most cases present itself in the form of skin redness and rash. There will also be pain, itching, and tenderness along the affected area of the skin. If the infection is severe, then there will be skin lesions filled with pus or there will be a gradual growth in the size of the lesion. For these symptoms, it is best to visit a dermatologist for definitive treatment.
The symptoms of a severe Bacterial Infection include
Angioedema of eyelids and lips
Skin breakdown
Painful discolored area of skin
How is Hair Loss Diagnosed?
For a definitive diagnosis of the cause of the Hair Loss, the physician will first take a detailed history of the patient, including personal and family history. Once history taking is done then certain investigative tests will be ordered to come to the bottom of the cause of the Hair Loss. These tests include: Pull Test: This test involves pulling of a few strands of hair forcefully to check whether any hairs come out of their groove. This gives the physician an idea of whether the quality of hair of the patient is healthy and strong. Skin Lesion KOH Test: This test involves scraping some samples from the scalp of the patient to observe the hair roots. This gives the physician an idea as to whether there is an infection responsible for Hair Loss. Blood Test: These are done to identify any underlying medical condition like a thyroid disorder that may be responsible for Hair Loss in the patient. Microscopy: This is done to observe the hair shaft and see whether there is any abnormality there that may be causing the Hair Loss.
The treatment of a skin infection depends on the severity of the condition. Minor infections heal themselves without the need for any intervention. In cases of a severe Bacterial Infection, topical antibiotics are prescribed to be applied directly to the skin. In cases of a severe infection, the physician will prescribe oral antibiotics for a period of a week to 10 days to completely eliminate the offending bacteria.
If the infection is resistant to the standard treatments, then stronger medications in the form of IV antibiotics will have to be given to the patient to treat the infection. This is done in a hospital setting and a typical course if for about a week. Thus, if an individual feels that he or she has a Bacterial Skin Infection then it is best to consult with a dermatologist to get the best treatment advice to deal with the condition.
Can Hair Loss be Prevented?
Hair Loss caused due to the normal process of aging cannot be prevented. However, steps can be taken to prevent loss and damage by avoiding chemical use in the hair like hair color and hair dyes. It is also recommended not to use hair dryers for long periods of time as it literally pulls the hair out from their shafts thereby damaging it. This makes the hair weak and brittle.
For healthy hair, it is always best to practice good hair hygiene by shampooing it regularly. Additionally, eating a diet rich in proteins, vitamin B, and iron is also quite effective in preventing hair loss. Keeping the thyroid levels under control and seeking immediate levels if diagnosed with an underactive or overactive thyroid is also recommended to prevent Hair Loss.
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Home >> Skin Care >> Clinical Dermatology >> Bacterial Skin Infection
Bacterial Skin Infection
The skin is the largest organ of the body and the only organ that is exposed to outside environment. The function of the skin is to protect the inner structures of the body from any harmful invaders like germs and other allergens. However, at times, the skin itself gets infected. This happens mostly due to bacteria and virus. When the skin gets infected by bacteria then it is termed as a bacterial infection.
The symptoms of Bacterial Infection vary from mild to potentially serious. While mild Bacterial Infection can be treated with over the counter antibacterial and home remedies, the more serious infections requires physician consultation. Bacterial skin infections begin with eruptions of small red lesions which gradually grow in size. Cellulitis, impetigo, and boils are some of the most common bacterial infections.
Dr. Rajeshwari’s Clinic provides the best consultation and treatment plan, and has successfully treated many patients with treatments as mentioned above with minimal to no side effects.
A Bacterial Infection occurs when harmful bacteria from the environment enters the body from cuts, bruises, and scrapes which break the surface of the skin. However, it is not necessary that a Bacterial Infection will develop with every cut or bruise an individual sustains. The risk of an infection increases in people who have a weakened or compromised immune system like the elderly or are recuperating from a chronic illness.
A Bacterial Infection will in most cases present itself in the form of skin redness and rash. There will also be pain, itching, and tenderness along the affected area of the skin. If the infection is severe, then there will be skin lesions filled with pus or there will be a gradual growth in the size of the lesion. For these symptoms, it is best to visit a dermatologist for definitive treatment.
The symptoms of a severe Bacterial Infection include
Angioedema of eyelids and lips
Skin breakdown
Painful discolored area of skin
The treatment of a skin infection depends on the severity of the condition. Minor infections heal themselves without the need for any intervention. In cases of a severe Bacterial Infection, topical antibiotics are prescribed to be applied directly to the skin. In cases of a severe infection, the physician will prescribe oral antibiotics for a period of a week to 10 days to completely eliminate the offending bacteria.
If the infection is resistant to the standard treatments, then stronger medications in the form of IV antibiotics will have to be given to the patient to treat the infection. This is done in a hospital setting and a typical course if for about a week. Thus, if an individual feels that he or she has a Bacterial Skin Infection then it is best to consult with a dermatologist to get the best treatment advice to deal with the condition.